Hello I’m Dwayne, Phyllis Scott oldest son, I found another family member thru 23andMe, she directed me to this page, Gail Anderson is my Aunt, I live here in Texas(Houston) and would like to attend the family reunion.
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Posted on the 2024-01-05 at 11:38
Looking foward to our family reunion in the great state of Texas in 2025. Ft. Worth get ready! Alabama will be rolling!
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Darlene Richardson
Posted on the 2023-06-20 at 20:00
I am so excited we are going to be able to come together again.
Praying for all who are preparing to come and safe travels for all.
Can't wait to Fellowship.
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Carolyn Payne
Posted on the 2023-04-10 at 20:00
Hey family. See you in July!
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Amber Livingston
Posted on the 2021-07-08 at 20:00
I enjoy attending the Barnett Family Reunions. I love how the events are clean and exciting!
I see the the good works in the website. The photographer did a fine job expressing our beautiful family coming together for this special event. The events gets better and better every year.
I am Amber Livingston from California. The nieces of Plato Barnett.
Thank you Branett Family Commitee. You did it again!
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Eugene Jones
Posted on the 2021-07-03 at 20:00
i am so excited about the upcoming virtual reunion, i have attended all the reunions in the past and i am not going to let COVIC-19 rain on this reunion, my hat of to the aiabama committee and all who contributed in helping to keep the family together.
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Frances-Crystal L Wilson
Posted on the 2021-06-08 at 20:00
Proud great granddaughter to Odessa Mildred Barnett and Stephen Wesley Coleman Sr. look forward to first Barnett Reunion (Virtual). My Grandmother's name Stevana (Stevie) Lenore Wilson (born in Alabama oldest of her brother & sisters) left me with a a Holy Bible - Heritage edition that she wrote down all the names of my great grandmother's brothers. We are so very blessed to know our Lineage!
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Carolyn Jackson
Posted on the 2021-06-07 at 20:00
I have never been to a Barnett reunion but planned on going to this one. I am the grand daughter of Verlenia MIlledge and great grand daughter of Mary Barnett.
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Jameelah Barnett
Posted on the 2020-12-28 at 19:00
I would like to gain access to the family tree. My name is Jameelah Barnett, granddaughter of Alvin James Barnett Sr. from Tulsa Oklahoma and currently trying to connect the dots for some of our ancestors. I would appreciate the help.
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Gail Anderson
Posted on the 2020-05-30 at 20:00
I am praying that this virus is gone or under control before the reunion. I am so looking forward to attending.
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Sheila Bell
Posted on the 2019-02-09 at 19:00
Looking forward to a good time with family!!
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La Rhonda Witherspoon
Posted on the 2018-09-27 at 20:00
Hello Family, The site was very user friendly. Thank you! Ray and the rest of the committe responsible for this site, my hat is off to you...This is top notch. Kudos Family!! I am so excited and cannot wait to see you all. This is a blessing! Love you much!!!
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Patricia Bradley
Posted on the 2018-09-25 at 20:00
I'm so excited about the Barnett Family Reunion in Orlando. I have not been to Disney World since my children were small. Looking forward to visiting some of the theme parks as well as seeing all of our family members that will be attending. This web page is very easy to maneuver through and is very informative!